Black RookBlack QueenBlack RookBlack KingBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack KnightBlack PawnBlack KnightBlack PawnBlack PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite QueenWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite KnightWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite RookWhite BishopWhite KingWhite Rook

Play chess vs. AI

Practice against a humanlike chess AI & coach that adapts to your own skill level.

Unlock your brain's learning potential with instant color feedback. The AI grades every move from blunder to brilliancy.

You played Qd3.
That's an excellent move!

Learn chess openings

Chess opening practice, using AI. You pick what opening to play. Our chess AI, Noctie, plays the most common human responses.

Sicilian Defense
Ruy Lopez
Réti Opening
Caro-Kann Defense
London System
Pirc Defense
Englund Gambit
Giuoco Piano
English Opening
Benoni Defense
Semi-Slav Defense
Queen's Gambit Declined
Illustration of flashcards

Fix your mistakes

Solve flashcards and learn from your mistakes. Let the chess AI select the most instructive mistakes after each game. Repeat until it sticks.

What our players say


Who is it for?
Noctie is for anyone looking to improve their game, while having fun. If you're a beginner, Noctie is a safe place to learn without stress. If you're a grandmaster, Noctie offers a superior experience to other chess AI and still gives useful advice.
What is Noctie's chess rating?
Noctie adapts to your level, whether you're an advanced beginner or a 2750 rated super-GM. At the strongest setting, Noctie surpasses human skill, providing a challenge for anyone.
Why play against a chess AI?
Playing chess against the computer lets you practice the openings and endgames you like, without stress. It also opens the opportunity to introduce live AI coaching while you play, supercharging your learning.
How does Noctie compare to regular chess bots?
Regular bots are based on chess engines that calculate far ahead, play mechanically and make artificial mistakes. Noctie's emulates human intuition and play, playing just like a human at your level.
Why is chess so difficult to learn?
To improve at chess, you need targeted practice and immediate feedback. But chess practice requires a willing opponent, and learning requires human analysis of your game. Noctie does both, whenever you like.
How does Noctie help me with my chess practice?
The key is to play and get feedback. Noctie lets you practice realistic chess scenarios against AI, and uniquely gives you immediate feedback that activates your brain's learning circuits.

What is Noctie.ai?

Noctie.ai is a personal AI chess coach with a human touch. We aim to teach chess in a joyful and effective way – just like you would with a loved and respected human coach.

Copyright © 2021-2024 Noctie AB. All rights reserved.

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